Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Oduu Addunyaa

Over the past 10 days, investigators and observers have come up with ever-more elaborate theories for what might have happened to Malaysia Airways Flight 370.
What was originally assumed to have been a tragic mid-air explosion or mechanical problem soon bloomed into a criminal investigation of a meticulously planned hijacking, commandeering, or otherwise stealing of a fully loaded commercial 777 in mid-air.
The perpetrator(s) knew the plane so well, one of the latest theories goes, that they climbed through a trap door outside the cockpit to reach circuit breakers necessary to shut down one of the communication's systems. They shut down the transponder. They made the plane disappear and fooled the world into thinking it had crashed. They flew one of two "arcs" for 7 hours — a "southern route" over the Indian Ocean on which, eventually, they crashed the plane in the ocean in a complicated suicide, and a "northern route" in which, perhaps, they slipped past land-based radar, flew to a destination in central Asia, and landed, perhaps preparing to use the plane again soon for a terrorist attack or other mission. This latter plan was executed so flawlessly, one observer theorized, that Flight 370 slipped in behind another commercial airliner for much of the route so as not to be noticed on radar.
The pilots' houses have been searched. Terrorist connections have been probed. Passenger backgrounds and possible motives have been scrutinized. And still, 10 days after the plane disappeared, we know nothing.
Perhaps that's because we're overthinking it.
A few days ago, a former pilot named Chris Goodfellow articulated an entirely different theory on Google+.
This theory fits the facts.
And it's one of the most plausible yet:
  • Shortly after takeoff, as Malaysia 370 was flying out over the ocean, just after the co-pilot gave his final "Good night" sign-off to Malaysia air traffic control, smoke began filling the cockpit, perhaps from a tire on the front landing gear that had ignited on takeoff
  • The captain immediately did exactly what he had been trained to do: Turn the plane toward the closest airport so he could land.
  • The closest appropriate airport was called Pulau Langkawi. It had a massive 13,000-foot runway. The captain programmed the destination into the flight computer. The auto-pilot turned the plane west and put it on a course right for the runway (the same heading the plane turned to)
  • The captain and co-pilot tried to find the source of the smoke and fire. They switched off electrical "busses" to try to isolate it, in the process turning off systems like the transponder and ACARs automated update system (but not, presumably, the auto-pilot, which was flying the plane). They did not issue a distress call, because in a mid-air emergency your priorities are "aviate, navigate, communicate" — in that order. But smoke soon filled the cockpit and overwhelmed them (a tire fire could do this). The pilots passed out or died.
  • Smoke filled the cabin and overwhelmed and distracted the passengers and cabin crew... or the cockpit door was locked and/or the cockpit was filled with smoke, so no one could enter the cockpit to try to figure out where the plane was, how the pilots were, or how the plane might be successfully landed. (This would be a complicated task, even if one knew the pilots were unconscious and had access to the cockpit, especially if most of the plane's electrical systems were switched off or damaged)
  • With no one awake to instruct the auto-pilot to land, the plane kept flying on its last programmed course... right over Pulau Langkawi and out over the Indian Ocean. The engine-update system kept "pinging" the satellite. Eventually, 6 or 7 hours after the incident, the plane ran out of fuel and crashed.
This theory fits the facts. It makes sense. It explains the manual course change as well as the "pings" that a satellite kept hearing from the plane. It requires no fantastically brilliant pre-planning or execution or motives.
Here's Chris Goodfellow:
A lot of speculation about MH370. Terrorism, hijack, meteors. I cannot believe the analysis on CNN - almost disturbing. I tend to look for a more simple explanation of this event.

Loaded 777 departs midnight from Kuala to Beijing. Hot night. Heavy aircraft.  About an hour out across the gulf towards Vietnam the plane goes dark meaning the transponder goes off and secondary radar tracking goes off.

Two days later we hear of reports that Malaysian military radar (which is a primary radar meaning the plane is being tracked by reflection rather than by transponder interrogation response) has tracked the plane on a southwesterly course back across the Malay Peninsula into the straits of Malacca.

When I heard this I immediately brought up Google Earth and I searched for airports in proximity to the track towards southwest.

The left turn is the key here. This was a very experienced senior Captain with 18,000 hours. Maybe some of the younger pilots interviewed on CNN didn't pick up on this left turn. We old pilots were always drilled to always know the closest airport of safe harbor while in cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us and airports ahead of us. Always in our head. Always. Because if something happens you don't want to be thinking what are you going to do - you already know what you are going to do. Instinctively when I saw that left turn with a direct heading I knew he was heading for an airport. Actually he was taking a direct route to Palau Langkawi a 13,000 foot strip with an approach over water at night with no obstacles. He did not turn back to Kuala  Lampur because he knew he had 8,000 foot ridges to cross. He knew the terrain was friendlier towards Langkawi and also a shorter distance.

Take a look on Google Earth at this airport. This pilot did all the right things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make that immediate turn back to the closest safe airport.
For me the loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense if a fire. There was most likely a fire or electrical fire. In the case of fire the first response if to pull all the main busses and restore circuits one by one until you have isolated the bad one.

If they pulled the busses the plane indeed would go silent. It was probably a serious event and they simply were occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the fire. Aviate, Navigate and lastly communicate. There are two types of fires. Electrical might not be as fast and furious and there might or might not be incapacitating smoke. However there is the possibility given the timeline that perhaps there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear tires and it blew on takeoff and started slowly burning. Yes this happens with underinflated tires. Remember heavy plane, hot night, sea level, long run takeoff. There was a well known accident in Nigeria of a DC8 that had a landing gear fire on takeoff. A tire fire once going would produce horrific incapacitating smoke. Yes, pilots have access to oxygen masks but this is a no no with fire. Most have access to a smoke hood with a filter but this will only last for a few minutes depending on the smoke level. (I used to carry one of my own in a flight bag and I still carry one in my briefcase today when I fly).

What I think happened is that they were overcome by smoke and the plane just continued on  the heading probably on George (autopilot) until either fuel exhaustion or fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. I said four days ago you will find it along that route - looking elsewhere was pointless.

This pilot, as I say, was a hero struggling with an impossible situation trying to get that plane to Langkawi. No doubt in my mind. That's the reason for the turn and direct route. A hijack would not have made that deliberate left turn with a direct heading for Langkawi. It would probably have weaved around a bit until the hijackers decided on where they were taking it... 

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/malaysia-plane-fire-2014-3#ixzz2wKTIoHbT

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Xiyyara dhabamtee barbaadaa turan argamteetti

The most dangerous parts of a flight are takeoff and landing. Rarely do incidents happen when a plane is cruising seven miles (11 kilometers) above the earth.
So the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jet well into its flight Saturday morning over the South China Sea has led aviation experts to assume that whatever happened was quick and left the pilots no time to place a distress call.
It could take investigators months, if not years, to determine what happened to the Boeing 777 flying from Malaysia’s largest city of Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
“At this early stage, we’re focusing on the facts that we don’t know,” said Todd Curtis, a former safety engineer with Boeing who worked on its 777 wide-body jets and is now director of the Airsafe.com Foundation.
Military radar indicates that the missing Boeing 777 jet may have turned back before vanishing, Malaysia’s air force chief said Sunday as authorities were investigating up to four passengers with suspicious identifications. The revelations add to the mystery surrounding the final minutes of the flight. Air force chief Rodzali Daud didn’t say which direction the plane veered when it apparently went off course, or how long it flew in that direction, Some of the information it had was also corroborated by civilian radar, he said.
If the information about the U-turn is accurate, that lessens the probability that the plane suffered a catastrophic explosion but raises further questions about why the pilots didn’t signal for help. If there was a minor mechanical failure — or even something more serious like the shutdown of both of the plane’s engines — the pilots likely would have had time to radio for help. The lack of a call “suggests something very sudden and very violent happened,” said William Waldock, who teaches accident investigation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona.
It’s possible that there was either an abrupt breakup of the plane or something that led it into a quick, steep dive. Some experts even suggested an act of terrorism or a pilot purposely crashing the jet.
“Either you had a catastrophic event that tore the airplane apart, or you had a criminal act,” said Scott Hamilton, managing director of aviation consultancy Leeham Co. “It was so quick and they didn’t radio.”
No matter how unlikely a scenario, it’s too early to rule out any possibilities, experts warn. The best clues will come with the recovery of the flight data and voice recorders and an examination of the wreckage. US investigators from the FBI, the National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration and experts from Boeing were heading to Asia to assist in the investigation.
A massive international sea search has so far turned up no confirmed trace of the jet, though Vietnamese authorities said late Sunday that a low-flying plane had spotted a rectangular object in waters about 90 kilometers (56 miles) south of Tho Chu island, in the same area where oil slicks were spotted Saturday. The state-run Thanh Nien newspaper said, citing the deputy chief of staff of Vietnam’s army that searchers had spotted what appeared to be one of the plane’s doors.
Airplane crashes typically occur during takeoff and the climb away from an airport, or while coming in for a landing, as in last year’s fatal crash of an Asiana Airlines jet in San Francisco. Just 9 percent of fatal accidents happen when a plane is at cruising altitude, according to a statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents done by Boeing.
Capt. John M. Cox, who spent 25 years flying for US Airways and is now CEO of Safety Operating Systems, said that whatever happened to the Malaysia Airlines jet, it occurred quickly. The problem had to be big enough, he said, to stop the plane’s transponder from broadcasting its location, although the transponder can be purposely shut off from the cockpit.
One of the first indicators of what happened will be the size of the debris field. If it is large and spread out over tens of miles, then the plane likely broke apart at a high elevation. That could signal a bomb or a massive airframe failure. If it is a smaller field, the plane probably fell from 35,000 feet (10,500 meters) intact, breaking up upon contact with the water.
“We know the airplane is down. Beyond that, we don’t know a whole lot,” Cox said.
The Boeing 777 has one of the best safety records in aviation history. It first carried passengers in June 1995 and went 18 years without a fatal accident. That streak came to an end with the July 2013 Asiana crash. Three of the 307 people aboard that flight died. Saturday’s Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 passengers and crew would only be the second fatal incident for the aircraft type.
“It’s one of the most reliable airplanes ever built,” said John Goglia, a former member of the US National Transportation Safety Board.
Some of the possible causes for the plane disappearing include:
— A CATASTROPHIC STRUCTURAL FAILURE. Most aircraft are made of aluminum which is susceptible to corrosion over time, especially in areas of high humidity. But given the plane’s long history and impressive safety record, experts suggest that a failure of the airframe, or the plane’s Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engines, is unlikely.
More of a threat to the plane’s integrity is the constant pressurization and depressurization of the cabin for takeoff and landing. In April 2011, a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 made an emergency landing shortly after takeoff from Phoenix after the plane’s fuselage ruptured, causing a 5-foot (1.5-meter) tear. The plane, with 118 people on board, landed safely. But such a rupture is less likely in this case. Airlines fly the 777 on longer distances, with many fewer takeoffs and landings, putting less stress on the airframe.
“It’s not like this was Southwest Airlines doing 10 flights a day,” Hamilton said. “There’s nothing to suggest there would be any fatigue issues.”
— BAD WEATHER. Planes are designed to fly through most severe storms. However, in June 2009, an Air France flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris crashed during a bad storm over the Atlantic Ocean. Ice built up on the Airbus A330’s airspeed indicators, giving false readings. That, and bad decisions by the pilots, led the plane into a stall causing it to plummet into the sea. All 228 passengers and crew aboard died. The pilots never radioed for help.
In the case of Saturday’s Malaysia Airlines flight, all indications show that there were clear skies.
— PILOT DISORIENTATION. Curtis said that the pilots could have taken the plane off autopilot and somehow went off course and didn’t realize it until it was too late. The plane could have flown for another five or six hours from its point of last contact, putting it up to 3,000 miles (4,800 kilometers) away. This is unlikely given that the plane probably would have been picked up by radar somewhere. But it’s too early to eliminate it as a possibility.
— FAILURE OF BOTH ENGINES. In January 2008, a British Airways 777 crashed about 1,000 feet (300 meters) short of the runway at London’s Heathrow Airport. As the plane was coming in to land, the engines lost thrust because of ice buildup in the fuel system. There were no fatalities.
Loss of both engines is possible in this case, but Hamilton said the plane could glide for up to 20 minutes, giving pilots plenty of time to make an emergency call. When a US Airways A320 lost both of its engines in January 2009 after taking off from LaGuardia Airport in New York it was at a much lower elevation. But Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger still had plenty of communications with air traffic controllers before ending the six-minute flight in the Hudson River.
— A BOMB. Several planes have been brought down including Pan Am Flight 103 between London and New York in December 1988. There was also an Air India flight in June 1985 between Montreal and London and a plane in September 1989 flown by French airline Union des Transports AĆ©riens which blew up over the Sahara.
— HIJACKING. A traditional hijacking seems unlikely given that a plane’s captors typically land at an airport and have some type of demand. But a 9/11-like hijacking is possible, with terrorists forcing the plane into the ocean.
— PILOT SUICIDE. There were two large jet crashes in the late 1990s — a SilkAir flight and an EgyptAir flight— that are believed to have been caused by pilots deliberately crashing the planes. Government crash investigators never formally declared the crashes suicides but both are widely acknowledged by crash experts to have been caused by deliberate pilot actions.
— ACCIDENTAL SHOOT-DOWN. There have been incidents when a country’s military unintentionally shot down civilian aircraft. In July 1988, the United States Navy missile cruiser USS Vincennes accidently shot down an Iran Air flight, killing all 290 passengers and crew. In September 1983, a Korean Air Lines flight was shot down by a Russian fighter jet.

                                                     Akkawaaq  Jaalataa

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Bakkalcha Bilisummaa Akkawaaq Jaalataatin

Duraan dursee nagaan koo kan oromummaa qilleensa irraan 
bakka jirtan maratti isin haa dhaqqabu kabajamtoota sabboontota ilmaan oromoo hundaf nagaa koo kan oromumma ergan dhaammadhee booddee nagaa koo gabaabduu kanatti aansee yaada gabaabaan ani barreessuu barbaadu asiin gaditti kan argamu ta'a.innis seenaa marsaa bakkalcha bilisummaa tuquudhaan itti aansee xiyyeeffannaan koo oromia media network kan qabsoo ciminaan argame irrattis yaada tokko tokko tuqee bira darbuun barbaada.

Egaa marsaan kun kan maqaa isaa asiin olitti argitan kun bakkalcha bilisummaa akkuma marsaalee oromoo warra gara biraatti dhimma oromoo irratti hojjachuuf kan karoorfate yennaa ta'u karoorri isaas marsaalee oromoo hunda irraa kan adda ta'e miti.marsaalee oromoo hunda wajjin walitti hidhataan kan hojjatuu fii hojjachuufis qophii isaa bakkaan gahaa jiraachuu isaa asumaan wal qabachiisee ergan hangana tuttuqee booddee gara marsaa isa itti aanutti otoon hin darbin dura marsaa kana daawwachuu keessaniif isin galateeffachaa ammas galatoomaa jechuun barbaada.

Oromia media network irrattis yaada gabaabaa tokko tuqee bira darbuu akkan barbaadus seensa barreeffama kiyyaa irratti kanan barreesse yennaa ta'u yaada gabaabaan ani qabu marsaan kun jechuun kan oromia media network kun akka salphaatti kan hin argamnee fii cicha qabsoo cimaatin yeroo ammaa gahee fuula ummata oromoo duratti dhiyaachuu isaatif akkasumattis yeroo ammaa kana hojii xixiqqaa jalqabuudhaan wareegama cimaadhan argamuu isaas ummata oromoo biratti ragaa guddaa ta'uun isaa anas ta'ee oromoota maraaf gammachuu guddaa ta'uu isaa galateeffachuun barbaada.

Kuni kanumaan otoo jiruu I am oromo frist jechi jedhame yeroo ammaa tokkummaan oromoo gulantaa tokko jalatti akka wal gahu taasisuu bira darbee habashoota warra yeroo dheeraa ciisa nuuf dhabaniif sodaa guddaa ta'ee argameera.egaa fuula duraaf abdii ummata oromoo kan ta'e oromia media network oromootaf tokkummaa kan uume yennaa ta'u warra habashaa keessatti garuu sodaa fii hinaaffaa isaan keessatti uumee darbe.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Oromoon saba Afrikaa keessa jiraatu, kan Itoophiyaa keessaa fi haga diqqoo immoo ummata Keeniyaa fi Somaaliyaa keessatti argamu dha. Sabi Oromoo saba Itoophiyaa keessatti baay'ina ummataan tokkoffaa irra jiru. Akka Qo'annoo bara 1994 (akka dhaha Giriigooriyaanitti) baay'nni ummata Oromoo dhbbantaa ummata Itoophiyaa 32.1% qabata. Har'a baayyini ummata Oromoo miliyoona 25 oli dha. Afaan dubbatamus Afaan Oromoo jedhama.
[edit]Seenaa Oromoo

Ummatni Oromoo ummata afaan kushi dubbatu kan bahaa fi kaaba baha Afrikaa keessatti argaman keessaa tokko dha. Ummatni Oromoo kaabaan hanga Tigraay, kibbaan hanga Keeniyaa faffaca'ee argama. Gaanfa Afrikaa keessa Oromoon saba kushii dubbatu guddicha dha. Akkaataan lafa, aadaa fi afaan isaa Oromoo Afrikaa keessa dabre immoo addunyaa keessatti akka beekamtu isa godheera. Qo'annoon jiru akka ibsutti Oromoon ganna kumaa ol Afrikaa Bahaa keessa akka jiraate amanama (Prouty at al, 1981).
Oromoo Saba "Pastoralist/nomadic" fi "semi-agriculturalist" jedhaman keessaa akka dhufe amanama. Jaarraa 16 keessatti eega mootummaan Habashaa fi Sulxaanetii Adaal wal hadhanii lachuu dadhabanii dhiisanii booda, ummanni Oromoo gara Kaabaatti (kaaba Oromiyaa ammaatti)babal'atan. Abbaan amantii "Baahiree" jedhamu akka bara 1593tti barreessetti jajjabeenya Oromoon yeroo sunitti qabu cimaa akka ture ibseera. Bahrey itti aanee Oromoon akka gara kaaba-dhihaatti gara Arsii, Shawaa, Wallagga fi Goojjam akkasumas gara kaaba-bahaan gara Harargee fi Walloo akka fafaca'e ibseera. Harold G. Marcus akka jedhetti kaabi-dhihaa Boorana akka bakki Oromoon duran qubate akka ta'e ibseera. Jaarraa 17 jalqabee Oromoon Amaara irraa gargar bahuu jalqaban. Haa ta'u malee, Oromoon bulchiinsa Itoophiyaa bara suni keessatti bakka argachuu jalqabde. Keessattuu Emperor Iyoas 1ffaan (1730-55) Oromoota saba haadha isaa ta'an ofitti dhiheessuu jalqabe. Akkasumas waltajjii Gondar keessatti Afaan Oromoo akka dubbatamu taasise. Bara "Zemene Mesafinti" keessatti dhaloota Oromoo kan ta'an Yejjuun bara dheeraaf waraanaan Imperoota Itoophiyaa dursaa turan. Akkasumas Begemder, Enderases jalatti qoodamuu jalqaban. Yejjuunis Raas Alii 1ffaa jala bulaa ture, haa ta'u malee, bara dheeraan duuba Tewodiroos 1ffaan Raas Alii 1ffaa injifate. Ta'us, ammallee Impereronni Itoophiyaa waan dadhabaniif waraanni Yejjuu Itoophiyaa keessaa tokkoffaa ture.
Oromoonni bara sunnitti beekkamoo turan keessaa 1. Bulchituu Menen kan Wollo, kan bara 1800 Empress taate. 2. Ras Mohaammad kan Wollo, kan Raas Mikaa'el ta'e, achiin bulchiinsa Sion. 3. Bulchituu Menen kan Ambaassel, kan haadha manaa Hayila Sillaasee taate.
Humnaa fi maatii imperiyaalaa wajjin walitti qabamuf jecha ummatni Oromoo hedduun Kiristaanummaatti jijjiiramanii turan. Itti fufee immoo, gara dhuma 1800ffaatti, Emperor Yohaannis 4ffaan gosa Oromoo Walloo keessa jiran hunda akka Kiristaanummaatti jijjiraman yookaan immoo akka qabeenya isaanii dhaban sodaachisee ture. Kun immoo gosa Oromoo lafa warra dhiisan akka gara kibbaatti godaanan warra godhee ture. Bulchaan Oromoo Mohaammad maqaa jijjiratee Abbaa lafaa Mikaa'el jedhame, niitii erga fuudhee booda abbaa Emperor Iyyaasuu 4ffaa ta'e.
[edit]jalqaba waliti aanu
Iluu Abbaa Booraa
Shawaa Dhihaa
Harargee Bahaa
Wallaga Bahaa
Harargee Dhihaa
Shawaa Bahaa
Shawaa Kaabaa
Wallaga Dhihaa
[edit]Qoqqoodama Oromoo
Ummani Oromoo bakka kudha lamatti adda bahan. Bakka dhiha baha irra eegalee hanga bahaatti tuutnitun:
Ummani Wallaggaa ummata naannawa dhihaa jiraatu ummanni kun naannawa bishaanii jiraatan;
Oromoo Maccaa, Laga Dhidheessaa fi laga Oomoogidduu, kibba laga Gibee jiraatu.
Oromoo Tuulamaa, Handhuura Oromiyaa naannoo Finfinneejiraatu;
The Oromoo Walloo, gara Kaabaa naannoo Amaaraa godina addaa Oromiyaa Oromia Zone, naannoo Hara Ashangee, jiraatu; Oromoo Raayyaafi Yejjuu Oromoo jedhamu
The Ittu Oromo, who live in the Oromia Region from the Laga Hawaas guddaa fi magaalaa Dirree Dhawaa Dire Dawajiraatu;
The Oromoo Anniyyaa , kibba warra Ituu fi dhiha Laga Erer jiraatu;
The Ala Oromoo,magaalaa Hararfi laga Erer River dhihatti, warra Ituu fi Anniyyaa gidduu jiraatu;
The Nole Oromo, magaalaa Dirree Dhawaa bahatti kaaba magaalaa Harar;
The Babille Oromo, who are one of the easternmost subgroup, living east of the Erer River in the Oromia Region, and south of the other easternmost subgroup,
The Oromoo Jaarsoo, godina Harargee Bahaa gara bahaatti;
The Oromoo Arsii, godinaalee Arsii, Baalee fi haga tokko Shawaa bahaa keessa jiraatu.
The Oromoo Booranaa, Kibba Oromiyaa fi kaaba Keeniyaa jiraatu.
The Warra Qaalluu, laga Hawaas Awash River fi magaalaa Dirree Dhawaa Dire Dawa gidduu jiraatu.
The Oromoo Gujii, who are the southern part subgroup of the Oromo, inhabiting neighboring the Borena Oromo.
[edit]Oromoo Beekkamoo
Amaan Hedatoo political activist and new singer
Abbabaa Abbishuu - political activist and prominent singer
Abbaaduulaa Gammadaa - Perezidaantii naannoo Oromiyaa afraffaa fi hogganaa Dh.D.U.O
Abas Hadji - Barreessaa seenaa waa'ee ummata Arsii barreesse
Mootii Abbaa Jifaar II Jimmaa fi naannoo ishee bulchaa ture.
Abbas Gnamo - professor
Abdiisaa Aagaa - Escapee from Italian prison and leader of a squad for the Allies during WWII
Hon. Abdissa Yadeta Muleta-Ethiopian State Minister of Youth & Sport
Abdulkariim Ibraahim Hamiid (Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa) - Hundeessitooota ABO keessaa isa tokko kan ta'eefi hoogganaa 'Front for Democratic Oromia' (FDO)
Abdulsemed M. Yousuf Dr. barreessaa seerluga Afaan Oromoo and authority on Oromo grammar
Raas Abbabaa Aragaay, Jeneraala qubattoota Xaaliyaanii lolan (1930s)
Abbabaa Biqilaa - Olimpikii irratti akka Afrikaa fi Itoophiyaatti madaaliyaa warqee badhaafamuun isa tokkoffaal in the Olympics (maraatoonii; miila qullaa fiiguun)
Abebe Kebede - prominent singer from the 1980s
Abebe Tesema - a famous singer
Abiyyuu Galataa - OLF leader
Abubaker Usman Oda (Sheikh Bakri Saphalo) - Sabboonaa Oromoo fi hayyuu Musliimaa; Qubee Afaan Oromoo boce.
Hon. Adaanech Abbabee Dessa - Secrateray General of (HPR)House of Peolples Representative
Colonel Alamuu Qixxeessaa - Hundeessaa fi hoogganaa dhaaba 'Maccaafi Tuulamaa
Ali Birra - Wallisaa beekamaa fi sabboonaa
Ras Ali II of Yejju, Enderase or Regent of the Ethiopian Emperor, and effectively the ruler of Ethiopia
Amaan Kadir Kamsaree - Hayyuu Oromoo and one of the founders of Front for Independence of Oromia
Asaffaa Jaalataa - barreessaa fi piroofeesara (author and professor)
Ayyaanaa Birruu - invented the Amharic typewriter of Ethiopia
Baaroo Tumsaa - warra ABO hundeessan keessaa tokko.
Sheek Bakrii Saphaloo- hayyuu fi ogeessa walaloo. Sirna barreeffama Qubee Afaan Oromoo kan boce.
Dejazmach Baalchaa Abbaa Nafsoo - Jeneraala Itoophiyaa Waraana Adwaa hooggane.
Bedri Kabira Mohammed - founder of the Saphaloo Foundation
Birhaanee Adaree- won the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships
Boruu Sheko Baatii- Regional leader
Hon. Bulchaa Dammaqsaa Sanbatoo- hoogganaa WFDO OFDM miseensa paarlaamaa,
Daawud Ibsaa Ayyaanaa - Hoogganaa ABO
Daraartuu Tulluu - Long Distance runner and Gold Winner at the Olympics
Dubbalee Jaalee- Hoogganaa Baankii Biyyoolessaa Itoophiyaa
Dubba Gololcha - Regional leader
Eebbisaa Addunyaa - wallisaa jaallatamaa fi sabboonaa
Professor Ephrem Isaac - Multilnigual author and professor
Elemo Qiltu - Hero among heros. Known as the first true fighter for the sake of Oromo people.
Hon. Fantaye Gezahegn Urgesa- Deputy Chairperson of the Ethiopian Legal & Adminiistration Affairs Committee
Faaxumaa Roobaa - Long Distance runner and 1996 marathon winner.
Gadaa Gammadaa - One of the OLF founders
Hon. Fetia Yesuf Mumed- Deputy Chairperson of the Ethiopian Capacity Building Affairs Committee
Galaasaa Dilboo - Hoogganaa ABO
Geexee Waamii - cross country and track runner.
Hon. Girmaa Birruu Gadaa- EThiopian Minister of Trade & Industry
Hon. Giiftii Abbaasiyyaa Abbaabulgaa - Chairperson of Ethiopian Women's Affairs Committee
Guyyoo Dhaabasaa - gadaa scholar
Haile Gebreselassie - King of Long distance running and marathon runner.
Haayile Maariyaam Gammadaa Dhaaba Maccaa fi Tuulama kan hundeesse.
Haayiluu kitaabaa- Wallistoota Oromoo daran jaallataman keessaa tokko kan ta'e.
Hasan Alii Pirezidaantii naannoo Oromiyaa isa jalqabaa.
Hordofaa Guyyaasaa author
Ibsaa Guutamaa - former Minister of Education
Ibsaa Sisaay - author
Jamaal Roobalee also known as Guutamaa Hawaas - One of the OLF founders
Hon. Kebede Abera Odo-Chairman of the Ethiopian Trade & Industry Affairs Committee
General Kemal Galchu - a former Ethiopian General
Juneidi Sado - pirezidaanttii naannoo Oromiyaa sadaffaa (2001-2005)
Qananiisaa Baqqalaa - Ethiopian long distance runner
Kumaa Dammaqsaa - Pirezidaantii naannoo Oromiyaa lammaffaa 1995-2001)kan tureefi amma kantiibaa magaalaa Finfinnee
"Kuwee" Martha Kumsa - acclaimed journalist and imprisoned professor
Laggasaa Abdii - wallisaa fi taphataa ximboo (masiinqoo)ger
Leencoo Lataa - former OLF hoogganaa ABO,injineera, ogeessa siyaasaa,barreessaa
Legaba Bekele Hordofa Chengire – Responsible for the Royal Palace (Gibbi)
Leencoo Baatii - Spoke Person
[[Maammoo Mazammir]- Miseensa Waldaa Maccaa fi Tuulamaa
Mamo Wolde - Ethiopian long-distance runner, winner of the marathon at the 1968 Summer Olympics
Dr. Merera Gudina - author and professor, OFC (ONC + OFDM) opposition party executive member, Ethiopian parliamentarian
Merkuria Bulcha - author and professor
Hon. Ambassador Mohammed Ali Ibrahim-Chairman of the Ethiopian Foreign, Defense & Security Affairs Committee
Sheikh Mohamed Rashad Abdulle - Hayyuu Musliimaa Qur'aana Afaan Oromootti hiike.
Mohammed Hassen Ali - professor of history at Georgia University and one of the most prolific writers on Oromo history
Mul'is Abbaa gadaa sabboonaa beekamaaand one of the founders of Oromo liberation Army
Nadhii Gammadaa - One of the OLF founders
Hon. Dr. Negaso Gidada Solan- Pirezidaantii Itoophiyaa durii fi miseensa paarlaamaa
Nuho Mohammed Gobana - one of the best Oromo singers
Omar Suleyman - Legend Oromo Artist and Nationalist
Onesimoos Nasiib - lallabaa wangeelaa fi Kitaaba Qululluu Afaan Oromootti kan hiike
Qamar Yusuf - Oromo tranditional singer; known as the Master of Shaggoyyee
Hon. Shiferaw Jariso Tedecha - EPRDF government minister (chief)
Hon. Sofiyan Ahmed Beker - Ethiopian Minister of Finance & Economic Development
Qurquji Simboo - renowned Oromo vocalist and Oromo nationalism advocator
Ramadaan Huseen Khaliil - First oromo libration fighter
Tafarii Bantii - former Ethiopian president
Tesfaye Jale Geche- Former Education Department Head of West-Shoa Administrative Zone
Tilahun Gessesse - Wallisaa Toophiyaa guddicha
Dr. Tilahun Gamta - Renowned Oromo linguist and author of the most comprehensive Oromo English Dictionary
Gen. Taaddasaa Birruu - Nelson Maandellaa kan leenjise,abbaa qabsoo ykn sabboonummaa Oromoo goota Itoophiyaa hoogganaa humna darbatamaa
Dr. Tashomee Soromessa - author and professor
Xirunesh Dibaabaa - Ethiopian long-distance runner
Umar Suleyman - wallisaa beekkamaa
Gen. Waaqoo Guutuu - leader of the United Liberation Forces of Oromia (ULFO)
[Hon. Workneh Gebeyehu Negewo]] - Commissioner of the Federal Police
Lij Yilmaa Dheeressaa Amantuu: Minister of Finance, Commerce & Industry and Foreign Affairs in Emperor Haile Selassie's cabinet; economist; historian; and, celebrated wit. Author of Ye Ityopia Tarik be Asrasideste Naw Kifle Zemen.
Ibsaa Eebbaa Fayisaa - One of the OLF founders, Organizer, Author and Engineer
Girmaa Gooroo Gonfaa - Qo'ataa fi Barsiisaa
Haile Fida the founder of MEISON political party.

                                                                                                Akkawaaq  Jaalataa

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Duraan dursee nagaan koo kan oromummaa qilleensa irraan bakka jirtan maratti isin haa dhaqqabu kabajamtoota sabboontota ilmaan oromoo hundi akkam jirtu nagaa keessaanii jedhee nagaa koo gabaabduu kana ergan isin biraan gahee booddee itti aansudhaan gara marsaa bakkalcha bariisaa kanatti baga nagaan dhuftan galatoomaa jechuudhaan marsaa kana daawwachuu keessaniif galatoomaa jenna.itti aansudhaan marsaan bakkalcha bariisaa akkuma marsaalee oromoo warra gara biraatti dhimma oromoo irratti gadi fageenyaan kan hojjatu ta'uu isaa isiniif ibsuudhaan deeggarsa guddaa fii hawwiin ani oromia media network wajjin walitti hidhataan hojjachuun tarii waan gaarii of keessaa qabaachun isaa hin hafu kan jedhuun sarara marsaa irratti hirmaachudhaan kan wajjin hojjannu ta'uus itti dabalee hubachiisuun barbaada.

Egaa maayyii irratti waantin jechuu barbaaduammaan dura alagaan hukkaamamnee hafuurri keenya dhokachuudhaan mirga abbaa biyyummaa keenyaa sarbamnee yeroo dheeraa biyyuma irratti dhalannee irratti guddanne irratti lammii lammaffaa taanee jiraachaa turuudhaan isumayyuu lammii lammaffaa sanallee taanee jiraachuun danqaa cimaa waan nutti ta'eef biyya keenya irraa mancaanee biyya ormaa keessatti koolu-galtummaan kadhattuu fakkaannee jiraachaa turre ammas jiraachaa jirra.Haata'u malee harra sababa adda addaatin qabsoon keenya bifa dhabee kan bakkuma jirutti deemaa ture bakkaan gahuu fii gara fuula duraatti tarkaanfachiisuf qabsoon dargaggoon oromoo yeroo ammaa geggeessaa jira kan abdii guutuu qabu keessumatti erga Iam oromo frist jedhamee booddee alagaan ciisa dhabdee wixxifataa kan jirtu nuuf ammoo milkaawina guddaa nuuf ta'uudhaan qabsoon bilisummaa oromoo yeroo ammaa jalqaba kununfachiisummaa irratti xiyyeeffatee hojjachaa kan jirus akkasumatti fuula duraaf ummatni oromoo abdii fii wabii guddaa argachuu isaa irratti gammachuu isaa karaa addaa addaatin labsachaa jira.